June 29, 2017
What I know For Sure {Thoughts on my 35th Birthday}
I’ve always been an Oprah fan and I used read her magazine each month. My favorite part of the magazine was on the last page, which she would call “What I Know for Sure.” She would share a snippet of truth from her heart and it always inspired me.
I wanted to do my own “What I Know For Sure” on my 35th birthday, and to share with you some things about life, love, and people, that I’ve learned along my way through life so far…
I am a child of God
There is always enough
Hurting people hurt people
God never wastes pain
The days are long but the years are short
Your heart will be broken, but there is always a way for it to be restored and renewed
A little kindness goes a long way
Save yourself the energy and just let people be who they are
When in doubt, go for a long walk
Whether you like me or not, it’s none of my business
Mothers should rule the world
Let it go
Your body is your body, accept it
We are spiritual beings having a physical experience
Be a fountain, not a drain
Loving yourself is not always easy, but necessary
There is always hope
The world is full of surprises and wonder
The joy of the Lord is my strength
Hand written letters are still the best form of communication
We need to stop comparing ourselves; what a waste of our unique and beautiful precious lives.
Give when it’s hard
Tell them you love them
I am becoming my mother